There are a few key points to understand about auctions on Encore!
1) Set your time zone
Make sure in your profile settings, you have set your time zone to your location! This is extremely important to ensure accuracy when scheduling the end time of your auction. Go to profile -> settings icon in upper-right hand corner -> time zone.
2) Choose an end time
When creating an auction listing, you must select an end date and time. The end date must be within the next 7 days. Once you select an end date (i.e., Friday), we recommend you an end time based on the highest traffic times on the app and when other auctions in the same category are ending. We highly recommend you use this feature to maximize the number of bidders on your auction, but you can also select a custom end time if you'd prefer to manage it yourself!
3) No auction deletion or editing once a bid is placed
You may edit the details of your auction, replace the video, or delete your auction as long as no bids have been placed on it. However, once a bid is placed, you are not able to edit the details of your auction or delete it. This is to ensure the trust and safety of Encore auctions! However, if there is a problem with your active auction, and you want to change something, you may reach out to customer support at
4) The winner of the auction is charged as soon as it ends!
The winner of the auction is charged the final bid amount and shipping cost as soon as the auction ends, at which point you are able to generate a shipping label and fulfill the order!
Note: If the winner of the auction's payment method declines or is invalid, we place a temporary hold on the order until the winner has updated their payment information. This means you will not be able to generate a shipping label for that order until the winner's payment has successfully been processed, and you will see the order status is "payment pending". The winner is given 48 hours to update their payment information, or they face a strike against their account. Repeat offenders may face suspensions or a permanent ban.
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