We ask that our sellers ship sold items within 2 business days of their sale. However, sometimes sellers may take up to 7 business days to ship. As soon as the seller has marked your item as shipped, you will be notified that your package has been shipped via email and an in-app notification.
You are able to track your package every step of the way by going to your profile -> purchase tab -> click the item you want to track -> click "Track order".
All orders purchased at auction ship via USPS Ground Advantage with a shipping time of 2-5 business days. Orders purchased via "Buy it Now" have the option for the buyer to select either USPS Ground Advantage (2-5 business days) or USPS Priority Mail (1-3 business days).
If you do not receive a notification that your item has been shipped within 7 business days of purchasing it, a customer support team member will be automatically notified. If your order does not ship within 10 business days, you may be eligible for a full refund. Reach out to customer support by contacting support@buyencore.com for more information.
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